Melissa's Story
Melissa Nichole Mortensen was born Saturday, April 10, 1999 to Jason and
Stephanie Mortensen. She was born at 6:28am at the Desert
Samaritan Medical Center in Mesa, Arizona. She was 7 lbs 3 oz, and she was
20 1/2 inches long. She was an adorable baby girl, having the best features
from each of her parents - her ears and the dimple in her chin from her
daddy, and her lips and button nose from her mommy.
Melissa's life didn't quite turn out as we had planned, however. Melissa
wasn't breathing when she was born, and was kept alive through assisted
breathing until she was put on a respirator. She actually didn't take her
own first breath for about 15 minutes. She was rushed to the Neonatal ICU,
where a wonderful staff of nurses and doctors took care of her. Although
Melissa had a perfectly healthy body, doctors guess that something
happened during labor that resulted in a lack of oxygen to Melissa. This
lack of oxygen unfortunately caused damage to Melissa's brain.
While things seemed somewhat hopeful on Saturday (April 10, 1999), Melissa
became unresponsive through Sunday and Monday (April 11, and 12, 1999).
We were informed on Monday evening that the damage to Melissa's brain would
not heal, and that our sweet daughter would never have a meaningful
life on this earth.
Melissa Nichole Mortensen passed away on Tuesday, April 13, 1999.
We take comfort in our knowledge that she has gone to a better place, and
we are grateful for the many miracles we witnessed during her short time
on earth. Although her time here was short, she has truly been a blessing
to our lives.
We will always love you, Melissa.
Jason and Stephanie Mortensen

She's cute as a button
and everything nice -
A pink little bundle
of "sugar and spice".
April 2009 - Ten Year Memorial - We put this almost 7 minute video together as a way to remember our precious daughter Melissa.
Click here to view.